Certificates that boost your qualifications. Once you win one of them, I’ll find out if it’s valid for a lifetime that doesn’t need to be renewed!Fourth, among the certificates that are valid for life, they are receiving a lot of attention from middle-aged people who are considering a job after retirement, and recently, they are hot among young peopleGangnam Hackers Certified Brokerage Academy 02)597-9000 https://land.hackers.com/gangnam/Second, it is a national certified trade English organized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and implemented by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is a certificate that many people who want to work in the relevant departments of large companies such as trade and logistics-related companies, export trade departments, overseas technology sales departments, and export sales management departments.Third, information technology qualification (ITQ) is a test conducted by the Korea Productivity Headquarters to objectively evaluate information technology capability or information technology utilization capability. It is evaluated only by practical practical tests without a written test. The ITQ test is based on a perfect score of 500 points, qualifications for each grade from A grade to C are granted, and those with less than 200 points are rejected. ITQ utilization information (1) Universities: Depending on the university, special admission for freshmen is conducted, credits are recognized, or the graduation certification qualification system is adopted. In addition, some universities offer related courses as required for liberal arts. (2) Employment: Some companies require mandatory acquisition of information technology qualifications when employed, and they give preferential treatment or promotion points when entering the company. In addition, some companies use it as an employee education system. (3) Government agencies and local governments: When hiring public officials, they require mandatory acquisition or give additional points for hiring. Promotion points are given when acquiring information technology qualifications, and sometimes they are used for resident informatization education. [Naver Knowledge Back Division] Information technology qualification (ITQ) [Information technology qualification dictionary, SS Vocational Research Institute editorial department) There are many places where you can use it, so it is a good certificate to get one.#Gangnam #Gangnam #LifelongLiberalTrade #Hackers #LifelongTrade #NoRenewal #WorkRequired #Recommendation #LicenseRecommendation #LicenseRecommendation #LicenseTrade #License #Combustion #TradeEnglish #ITQIf you have a real estate agent certificate, you can auction and sell real estate as well as brokerage businesses. It guarantees old age. It is a representative certificate that allows you to work for the rest of your life without retirement, and it is very popular these days. There are no restrictions on the qualifications. It is a national certificate and is conducted by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. The real estate agent test is the easiest one among the legal profession certificate tests, and the test is being taken by many candidates, but the test is getting more difficult. We have to prepare quickly before it becomes more difficult, right?First, the National Technical Certificate related to spreadsheets and databases organized by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry!! Regardless of their major, college students or job seekers have already acquired it or consider acquiring it at least once, and the number of people who acquired it is also second only to the driver’s license. Comhwal that we know well!!